Who's the daddy?
OK, I'm relatively new to this whole fatherhoOd gig, but I've been cooking since I was old enough to hold a knife. My life revolves around food so much that almost every spare minute of every day I find myself planning what to cook next.
I’m not one for super strict regimes or fads. I believe healthy eating comes from fresh ingredients and a well balanced diet. Making your own curry pastes, pasta sauces, baking your own bread... so many processed things we buy are really easy to make at home and much more fun and tasty when we do.
For kids, it doesn’t always have to be about playgrounds and puzzles! Cooking is such a fun activity to get stuck into for all age groups. Getting messy, being creative and feeling proud of what we make… it’s all part of the learning journey.
These recipes come from all sorts of places… people I've spoken to on my travels, looking up thousands of recipes online, family, books, TV chefs and years of trying things over and over. Whether you’re a complete kitchen novice looking for new skills or someone with oodles of experience, I hope there’ll be something here for you to try out.
Enjoy :)

Search by ingredient or key-word below….
Chicken, broccoli and brown rice broth
Carnitas pork
Roasted aubergine crostini